Sunday, April 20, 2008

Pins? What Pins?

Nicole Belle over at C&L points out that neither McCunt nor Stephalupugus are wearing those American flag lapel pins that are so all fucking fired important and are the only tried and true acceptable method of showing one's patriotism and loyalty. Now I have to give credit where credit is due:

Over at Fucks News Sunday with Chris Wallace, the human shar pei, Brit Hume, and token black/liberal, Juan Williams, were wearing theirs but not Wallace, not the chick (whoever she was) not even uber neocon doofsayer Bill Kristol. If anyone has their dick on the pulse of what's important to the country, he would, wouldn't he?

So what the fuck gives? Why the fucking hour long investigation into bullshitology?

I'm waiting for someone to admit that newscasts that involve "News," are history; that they've become businesses plain and simple; just as corrupt as any other business.

So the Gibson-Stephalupuguss Mudpie Exhibition was all about them and not about Clinton, Barack, and certainly not about the future of this country and its citizens. No, no no. They got exactly what they wanted: Attention for themselves and their network. They know that even negative attention has its own value.

Just like my 8 year old grandmonster knows.

And the lapel pins? I really don't give a flying fuck at the moon whether Barack wears one or not. Wearing one, or not, doesn't prove jack shit about a person's character. Now then...

I've finally heard Thom Hartmann, these past few weeks, begin to say what I've believed all along: This prolonged, primary pissing match between Barack and Hillary, is nothing more than the major networks'/media's money making circus side-show. The longer it goes on, the more money they make. That's what they care about; that's ALL they care about. Fuck us, right?

When will we begin to hear the cowardly lions of media begin to explain just how insane McCunt's economic ideas are? ???


Jay Allbritton said...

Jon Stewart said he had his lapel pin pinned directly to his chest when he jokingly questioned Obama's patriotism last night.

Obama should open a lapel pin factory and just swim through all the pins. Whatever makes you happy middle 'Mericuh.

Jess Wundrun said...

Over at they have reprinted questions from the 1960 debate between Nixon and JFK just so we could all get nostalgic for when they used to actually ask real questions aka do their jobs.

Distributorcap said...

I'm waiting for someone to admit that newscasts that involve "News," are history; that they've become businesses plain and simple; just as corrupt as any other business.

chris can i correct you
they have become ENTERTAINMENT which is the only business this country cares about -- being entertained.

the media wants this to go on and on and on--- cause that means more and more and more money

entertainment sells. news, america, issues, problems - boringzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Chris in Seattle said...

Wow... Eggsalant comments all. I may not get many, but I do get good ones.