Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Home Stretch

I'm speechless. Seriously, the joy behind the thought of him being out of our fucking lives, leaves me speechless. Giddy, but speechless.

Update: Question.... Will there be fireworks displays? At 12:01 am January 20? ???


Dale said...

There's still time for him to declare himself a dictator, or start a war that he must stay and finish, or Obama to be assassinated, or some mysterious threat regarding the inaugeration, or any other reason he can come up with to stay in office.

Chris in Seattle said...

Harsh my buzz, why dontcha?

Chris in Seattle said...

I've heard that about him: That he wants out as much as we want him out. On the other hand, he has this -- I don't know what the word is -- "thing" about his own rightness. It could be that he's simply delusional about being guided by God, which would be the best case scenario regarding any legacy, since it would seal the deal regarding the importance of including mental health services in any health care scheme. But then maybe he actually believes that he is some sort of supreme, omniscient being who really IS right about everything. I never did finish reading "Bush on the Couch."

Then again, Bush's reign, the entire 8 yrs of it, to wit his entire being is a lie. He lies like he breathes. He titles major legislation with lies: The Clean Skies Act; The Clean Water Act; The Deficit Reduction Act. Now to "create his legacy," he has to lie to cover the lies... This is getting post length

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad it's almost over. I hope that 2009 will be happy and healthy for you, Chris!

Chris in Seattle said...

I know things have been rough for you and yours as well, but I hope you can make the best of starting over.

Anonymous said...

Didn't Bush's presidency prove some key element of string theory? I mean, Bush's last four years in office were quantifiably longer than his first four years in office.

Chris in Seattle said...

I've heard the term "string theory," but know nothing about it. In a qualitative sense, I'd definitely agree: the last four years seem interminable.

Anonymous said...

Bush will leave office dragging his ass like a dog... And, he will leave a trail of shit all the way back to Texas. Will America every recover from the BUSHIT debacle???? Maybe, but it might take a 100 years. Where was an assasin when we really needed one?

Connecticut Man1 said...

Thanks for the reminder! Mental note: Must buy fireworks. Maybe a celebratory bottle of something, as well?

So far and with all of the things coming from Obama, I have low expectations from the incoming President. But that doesn't mean I hope he exceeds them.

Anonymous said...

Hate to be picky (yeah right). What the hell time zone is that clock in? In the US eastern time zone it's currently off by an hour (assuming 12 midnight is magic and it isn't cause Chimpy's still Pretendsident until BHO swears his oath).


Chris in Seattle said...

I never really gave any thought to your question. I'm not sure where the originator of the clock is based.

Chris in Seattle said...

In dry-drunk tradition, it will be one extreme or the other: either a blizzard of pardons, which could take the form of a blanket opardon, or he'll stick to his view that no pardons are needed since no laws were broken.

I wonder how the development of his land in Paraguay is going.

Chris in Seattle said...

I'll be working too. At my wife's job, they're bringing in some wopping big ass projection teevee, and pulling everyone into a conference room to watch things.

Firestarter5 said...

Apparently Dubya is leaving the White House at 10PM EST according to the countdown clock. Hey, the sooner the better.

Anonymous said...

Chris, all those anti-Bush tee shirts. Are you going to frame them or burn them??

Chris in Seattle said...

Keep 'em for sure. Can't risk repeating the past.