Saturday, February 16, 2008

I Beg to Differ with you Mr Olberman

I just got done watching Keith O's special comment, brought to me courtesy of the fine folks at Crooks and Liars. At about the 7:30 or 7:45 mark he goes into a little sub-rant about, well here:

"...he's willing to let Americans die to protect the phone companies, and that literally cannot be. Even mr bush cannot overtly take a step that aids the terrorists. ...blah, blah... and one thing we know... he is never to blame."

Seven years of lies and corruption and even Olberman still gives Dubya a pass regarding the proven fact that there are no means considered out of bounds when it comes to achieving his ends: Enriching his cronies, and solidifying his power. All, and I do mean ALL, else is secondary. The whole FISA/PAA pissing match has never been about terrorist surveillance, any more than his Iraq war was about disarming Saddam. Iraq has been ALL about corporations getting rich, with the Iraqis getting nothing. And all the while, innocent people/soldiers die.

The telecoms need immunity why? Because without it they'll lose their lawsuits and lose money. It's that simple. They can still help him spy, while their lawyers haggle in court. Smaller companies, with far lesser resources, do it all the time. They don't need immunity, but the Dubster wants them to have it and what's a little treason among friends, eh?

As usual with Incurious George, everything he says is a smoke screen. The simple truth is that it doesn't make a lick of difference what the law says. He will spy on whoever, however he wants to. Fucker was doing it before 9-11, he's doing it now, and he won't stop.

When I think of this bastard and his non-stop lying, I think about scene in The Terminator where Reese sticks his face close to the camera and yells, "It's what he does, it's all he does, and he absolutely will not stop!" Thinking of him as a moron, gives the evil mother fucker way more credit than he deserves.


Jennifer Briney said...

The telecoms need immunity why? Because without it they'll lose their lawsuits and lose money. It's that simple. They can still help him spy, while their lawyers haggle in court. Smaller companies, with far lesser resources, do it all the time. They don't need immunity, but the Dubster wants them to have it and what's a little treason among friends, eh?

You got part of it right. It is about the lawsuits. During one of the first lawsuits on this issue, the Americans that were paying attention (very few of us) found out about the "splitter cabinets". These things have been installed in at least 5 major cities and they make exact copies of everything that goes over the fiber optic wires in the hubs that they are installed in. This includes the stuff that is connected to the things that go over their wires - the combinations make it very possible that they are able to copy almost everything that goes over the internet with enough of these cabinets strategically installed around the country and world. Here's my post that explains what the hell I'm talking about:

Anyway, this is the reason the telecoms need immunity - they copied everything! That's not just spying on selected people without a warrant. It's way beyond that! They are not only afraid of losing money, but they are also afraid of Bush administration officials and telecom CEO's ending up in prison. If the extent of the big brother complex they have set up was truly known among the public, everyone that knew about this (including many members of Congress in both parties) would be in huge trouble with the people. Especially if they found out that this all started before 9/11.

If the telecoms get immunity, so does the Bush administration and many members of Congress because without lawsuits, the truth might never come out.

Chris in Seattle said...

I knew about the room in San Francisco, and I knew he started before 9-11. I'll have to check out your post to see what else you've got that I've missed.

Dub knows he's a fucking criminal, hence his land in Paraguay. Check out my Paraguay topic posts.