Sunday, September 21, 2008

Raising the Gutter?

So just how far does trickle-down go? DCup has an application for those bailers who need some bailing of their own.

So just who gets a piece of this $700 billion? (will it come shrink wrapped and palletized?) Here's a clue, courtesy of the Endowed One once again:


Anonymous said...

Hey - who's that kid? Is that a cat or is that sasquatch she's holding?

I wonder if the creditors would be interested in taking of them in exchange for a write off....

Anonymous said...

P.S. Thanks for the link!

Chris in Seattle said...

The pic happened to come across your Flicker thingy. That is one big friggin cat; 34 lbs? DAMN.

What better way to illustrate "fat cats getting bailed out"????