What the fuck else could be behind her continuing to push this assenine farce otherwise known as the ......McCAIN...... gas tax holiday? ??? How long is she going to keep endorsing that senile old fart?
The main thing though is that she continues to insult the electorate's intelligence. My intelligence anyway.
I've made it clear: This is one of the stupidest fucking ideas to come down the pike since Nixon expecting people to be assured because "...the results of this investigation will be reported dirrrrrECTly to this office." Al Capone would have loved such a deal, asswipe. Any fucking way...
How the fuck could anyone be soo fucking stupid as to believe the George Dubya Bush would actually put his fucking "X" (can he spell his name?) (signatures don't have to be "spelled") to a bill that would actually levy a tax? ??? The only mother fucker to EVER start a war and then CUT taxes...? And he's going to feel some fucking bit of compassion or conscience at the prodding of a Democrat? ???
How fucking arrogant are you? That you could think there was no end to my stupidity?
Hillary Rodham Clinton, just as I was at a loss for a word to describe McCain the Insane not long ago, I am at that same loss now with you.
Who's the stupid one here? You: For thinking I'll swallow your bullshit. Indianans may be "red voters," and North Carolinians, well, My Bro in law The Moron lived there... but that doesn't give you permission to think all of them are brainless.
Show some fucking respect for the people you expect to vote for you.
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Hi Babe.
OK.. I think I'm OK now...
This is why it's such blatant fucking panderous bull shit: She KNOWS it won't go anywhere.
Promise the moon and walk blameless into the night when it doesn't get delivered because of "THEM," not YOU? ???
You know I would've voted for her.
But then she decided to run.
And opened her mouth. Hmmm
Open.. closed... monica...
Mr Fair...
Cankles? Should I be embarrassed that I don't know? ???
Formerly known as D-Cup...
They get smaller?
Or are you going by the multi-D size now?
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