And wow... Dad's actually holding the baby as if it's his.
Ahhh... the POW reference. not exactly.
Ahhh... exactly the man she wants as Cummander Codpiece in Chief... someone to send more kids to die.
an advocate for special needs kids.... why she cuts funds for kids and moms, eh?
Is it her parents? or his who aren't sure they're voting for her and Senator Surge?
getting into her executive experience now. The PTA
Oooo... now the job of Mayor. That prepped her for the White House.
Escorting out someone who disagrees. Yup. She's a republican.
Elitist label. She's workin' 'em in.
She got the reasons why a politician's supposed to go to DC, but she's in the wrong party. The Refucks NEVER leave the country better than they found it.
Sarah the reformer. She's going to help reform DC? reform what the party she's running with has done?
Reform what her running mate helped put in place?
Like she did in AK. Sold the jet that her Refuckyoucan predecessor bought.
Lied about the bridge again.
she seems to fit right in.
high oil prices... the state's swimming in cash. real easy to rebate from a surplus. Will she do the same from a deficit?
Foreign policy: OIL. PROTECT! SEIZE!
Attack Venezuela..?
Definitely drill, Drill DRILL and not where we have permits. Off shore, in the Hurricane lanes.
We promise victory in Iraq. By winning.
More sound bites. tax cuts... terrorists... FEAR !!!!
Credit card spending. More of it.
Millions more for the rich. Pennies for the worker bees.
McCain does great things, that I guess no one wants to hear about...? Obama just gives good speeches. Can't vote for someone people like. Noooooo
Do nothing Senate... The one where the refucks set a record for filibusters? ???
She really has the lying down pat.
Here we go. the war hero/POW. nice touch. ooops she was blatant. I thought she was going for the artistic way. just make the allusion.
we good. we fight evil. john fight for you. he tarzan. you jane.
if change and hope and.... vote for McCain? well she is his VP choice so I guess she has to say it, but fuck. this is such bull shit.
and now here's Johnny. will he check out her ass again?
I haven't had dinner yet. Not sure if I can eat.
Over all it was a good speech.
In a refuckyoucan sort of way. Vote for us so we can fuck you silly and blame it on the godless gays.