Friday, March 6, 2009

Why Should Rich People Pay More in Taxes?

I was thinking about this the past few days, and for a while I thought it would be difficult to explain.
Then I realized it was as plain as the undersized nose on my face:

Because they use more.

Both as individuals and as small business people. If this is a little hard to wrap your head around, just spend some time thinking on it. Perhaps approach it from the other end and figure out who, if anyone, should pay NO taxes.


Anonymous said...

I just posted this quote on my blog: "a conservative issomeone who believes the problem with our economy is that poor people have to much money". Bob Orben, Ford's speechwriter. Still true today.

Dale said...

Okay, hold on a minute. Maybe this is the little conservative on my left shoulder talking, but here is my question(s)...

As far as federal income taxes go, around 50% (last time I heard) or more goes to the DOD (military, DHS, etc.) A good portion in each state also goes to road upkeep. Using those two as an example...

Why should rich people pay anymore than poor people?

Does our military protect Bill Gates any more than they protect me?

Does Donald Trump use any more of our roads than the average Joe?


Therefore, even an equal percentage being taken out across the board would be unfair. It would make more sense to take an even $ amount from everyone, instead of a percentage. Otherwise, you will always be getting penalized for performing well at work. When you get a raise, you will pay more than you did before. Why? What changed as far as your benefits from your tax dollars? Nothing.

I hope I make sense, I have a concussion right now...

Chris in Seattle said...

Donald Trump DOES use more of our roads. He runs casinos. In order to run them he needs customers who travel on those roads. He needs goods to stock his restaurants which are transported on roads, and other goods. His staff also travel to work on roads. His use of the commons grows as we consider his use of water, electricity and other utilities, airports, ports, railroads, etc.

Rich people use more.

Now the DOD.... that's just a sink: Keep people afraid of an enemy -- Muslims, Iraq, the Reds, etc -- to create a "need" for a strong defense. Dream up elaborate weapons systems -- starwars, trident subs, battleships, etc -- with short half-lives, rape our wallets to pay insane, obscene amounts to corporations -- and their shareholders -- to build that shit while paying workers peanuts... It's all explained by Orwell in 1984.

lisahgolden said...

You're right that rich people use more. They also profit from the productivity of people who don't have the fabulous wealth they do. Sure they get paid to do a job, but the wealthy get to decide what the market will bear in many cases.

And maybe the measure should be if you have more to lose, you should pay more. For example, what I stand to lose from fire, theft or if people can't use the roads to drive to work so I can profit from their productivity is significantly less than it would be for someone who owns a million dollar home filled with expensive furnishings and who makes his/her money off the work of others who use the roads to get to work.

Chris in Seattle said...

There are too many people willing to excuse the rich from paying more in taxes, because they hire people to work for them. ie the workers pay their taxes for them. Once a person leaves a subsistence life style, they place a greater strain on the commons and should be charged accordingly. It's not penalizing hard work or creativity, no. It's sharing in the common good; promoting the general welfare.

Anonymous said...

.. if you give a tax cut to people in the bottom 20%, you're not going to stimulate anything. the answer is on its mathematic

Chris in Seattle said...

Aris... Your point? I never promoted such a tax cut.