Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Greetings from Vacationland w/ Good Morning Update:

A Junky is a junky, vacationing or not. So... A couple of quick Qs:

For all these DC dumbasses bitching and whining about how the poor insurance syndicates can't survive against a government option or single payer care, this would be because of the inherent efficiency of private enterprise? ???

And for all the DC dumbasses bitching and whining about how innefficient and poorly run a government program would be, Please name for us the private insurance carrier you use. Since after all you would want your health in the hands of the BEST care system the world has ever seen. right? ???

Speaking of which...

For all you DC dumbasses bitching and whining about the imminent destruction of the finest healthcare system the world has ever seen, Why is it that no other industrialized/civilized nation in the world is trying to emmulate us? Am I missing one? What nation out there is fighting the good fight to provide privatized care because of the demands of a grass roots movement? Finally...

For all you DC dumbasses bitching and whining about tax dollars actually going places and doing things that will actually provide real services to real people, little people, people who actually pay taxes... Why don't you just shut the fuck up and let some adults with progressive ie useful ideas take over for a while. Dumbasses.

UPDATE: And see that banner right over there? (till the next post pushes this out of the way) Here's another reason why it's still there.

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