Sunday, November 28, 2010

Oh How Fucking Nice...

Faux Noise at it again: Asking Claire McKaskill, "Where is your independence from this president?" Code for, "Where are your republican-lite votes?" Any way....

Lindsay graham, "When I retire I'll have a military retirement, a conggressional retirement, along with Social Security. I'm certainly willing to give up some of my social security benefits, and I'm sure many seniors are as well to..." (bring our spending to reasonable levels) <== or some such bullshitioous string of words to agree with the cat food commission findings. Dude... Mr Senator... Ass Wipe... Why not give up your congressional pension? You wrote into law that the US auto workers had to gut their pensions.

This is sooooo typical of our ruling class -- and make NO mistake that our tax code, our corporatized elections and SCOTUS' ruling on unlimited corporate cash ARE creating a ruling class -- that willingness to "sacrifice" what they don't need for the greater good. Things like SS, Medi Care, reformed health care.


Dale said...

I thought I had read a few years back that you can't get more than 2 government retirements/benefits? Like military retirement, congressional retirement, government jobs like the post office, social security, etc. If I remember correctly, receiving military retirement as well as congressional retirement would mean that person would then be not eligible for Social Security. So whoever this is saying they would gladly give up their Social Security is a pointless thing to say because they wouldn't get it anyway. Correct me if i'm wrong...

Chris in Seattle said...

The one saying this is Lindsey Graham, republicant Senator from S Carolina.

I don't know about any such rule, whether it exists or not, and he wouldn't care since it would interfere with his narrative of, "sacrificing for the greater good." either way, he's full of shit. If there IS such a rule, as you say, his point is moot. If there is no rule, his "sacrifice" is bull shit since he doesn't need Social Security anyway. He just doesn't want ordinary people to have it. You know, the ones who need it.

Like the Repub rep from Delaware who had such a fit that he had to wait for HIS government health care, that he supposedly campaigned against, for all of us, to kick in. HE deserves it... can't live without it... but god forbid WE get it, Noooooo...