Please shoot me if I ever understand the failure of
So today... I sit here dreading obama's upcoming address. Will it be the near inevitable coup de grace to the democratic party? Or, as we saw after the first republicorp Depression, will the party rise from the ashes to undertake the rebuilding of the destruction they and their ally Obama have wrought? Will we finally see evidence of a spine from Mr I-can't-have-gridlock-I-have-to-govern? Or will he continue along that path, willingly settling for ONLY those options the republicorp legislation Czar, Mitch McConnell allows?
I hear so much talk of the possible political ramifications of whatever Obama happens to do or say, and NO talk about what's truly good for the country. In the last hours before Obama's last capitulation, the compromise that met republicorp
Fuck the political. Try for a change to do what's right. And by that, I don't mean do what's right wing.
I hear so much talk about how courageous Paul
Will the baggers finally learn where their actions, supporting these wanna-be-serial killers, are taking them? Will they stop before frauds like Joe "unemployment is unconstitutional" Miller, Sharon "never mind that my husband and I live on government pensions/payments, we need to do away with them (for all of you)" Angle, Christine "I'm not a witch, I'm a professional candidate" O'Donnell, and whoever they intend to find to the right of Orrin Hatch... These are your "champions?"
More to my point today, when will Obama loyalists finally realize how insane it is to think about finding common ground with these people? The idea that we have a president who talks of finding "things we can all agree on," when the other side is crazy... Wall Street needs our retirement money. We must answer the call.
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