The truth is out, and so is she: Stephanie Miller has declared she is gay. Someone that smart and that hot, could only be a childless spinster with dusty old eggs and only two huge dogs and a box of wine for company for one of two reasons: She either wants to be, or she is gay. OK, there are other possible reason, neuroses, lunacy, raving bitchiness, but you catch my drift.
Was I surprised? No. I'm actually kind of surprised it took this long, but then she has that conservatard heritage, her father being Barry Goldwater's running mate, to overcome, as well as her, "My future husband_________," (fill in the blank with Olberman or whatever fearlessly outspoken liberal she happens to be interviewing) shtick.
Maybe one of these days society will be mature enough that people won't have to hide there affections and desires like this
So.... out with the old and in with the new? Fantasies?
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